Chiltern Teaching School Hub

Register for Induction

Register Early Careers Teachers for 22/23


 It is the responsibility of the school to ensure the role is suitable for an ECT (guidance below).

Register your ECTs for induction



Suitable post for an ECT

In order for the ECT to serve induction the headteacher and appropriate body must first agree that the post is suitable for this purpose. In particular a suitable post must:
  • have a headteacher/principal to make the recommendation about whether the ECT's performance against the Teachers' Standards is satisfactory;
  • have prior agreement with an appropriate body to act in this role to quality assure the induction process;
  • provide the ECT with an ECF-based induction programme;
  • provide the ECT with the necessary employment tasks, experience and support to enable them to demonstrate satisfactory performance against the Teachers' Standards throughout and by the end of the induction period;
  • include the appointment of an induction tutor, who is expected to hold QTS;
  • include the appointment of a designated mentor who is expected to hold QTS;
  • provide the ECT with a reduced timetable to enable them to undertake activities in their induction programme
  • not make unreasonable demands upon the ECT;
  • not normally demand teaching outside the age range and/or subject(s) for which the ECT has been employed to teach;
  • not present the ECT, on a day-to-day basis, with discipline problems that are unreasonably demanding for the setting;
  • involve the ECT regularly teaching the same class(es);
  • involve similar planning, teaching and assessment processes to those in which other teachers working in similar substantive posts in the institution are engaged; and
  • not involve additional non-teaching responsibilities without the provision of appropriate preparation and support.


In addition, the governing body must be satisfied that the institution has the capacity to support the ECT and that the headteacher/principal is fulfilling their responsibilities.